If you can't get excited about what you're doing, nobody else will.
- is it time for a complete overhaul?
- your system is currently designed to achieve the results you're currently getting.
- lose the bucket method and teach from the heart - we need to be learning and absorbing what we are teaching the kids. Rather than just transferring information.
- shift your priorities and habits - once your good at something it shouldn't consume the same amount of time.
- seek God just for the sake of seeking God, not to prepare for your lesson.
- revisit past failures - figure out what you have learned from them and correct it.
-take some new risks - risk some new failures. Dare to go deeper with what you teach your kids. Find what challenges you.
- listen to or read books by people you don't necessarily agree with
- get back in the leathers chair. Always be learning. Be a lifelong learner
- build something bigger than yourself
"In times of change learners thrive, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to thrive in a world that no longer exists"
-give it away, allow people to grow and assume roles
- learn to do something new that will benefit your ministry
-get in and have fun. Set aside the art of self denial and design something you love.
-find someone you trust and let them critique you. Be wise about how you accept critique. Give them specific questions.
-know if you need to get help. Sometimes with focus, issues, etc. know if you need help via medical, counseling etc. be willing to talk to someone.
-struggles we have should not be attributed to spiritual weakness.
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